CitizensComplaints.Com For Abuse, Threats, Legal and Crime

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Let's rescue America. Please click here to send your information, ideas and comments; as well as any plans you thought of. Thanks and come back soon.

I am proposing that we fire every person in congress that voted for the unwritten National Health Care Plan.  Let's get organized. Vote them out.  There a link somewhere on my computer where we can download the vote on HR3200.  If anyone finds a similar link please forward it for faster posting. The "yes" voters will be listed on this website.  Never in the history of the United States of America was it intended that congress or state legislatures pass legislation that was not in writing within the bill itself. 

It is the intent of this website to cut the salaries of legislators to under $80,000.00 a year in total compensation.  Will need donations in the near future to have that system of a ballot measure to accomplish that goal. There will be grants soon.  We hope.

Here's a person who loves his freedom writing some American patriot material

Mychal Massie's Daily Rant MYCHAL MASSIE      Photo, banner and article property of Mychal Massie

Obama’s Mau-Mau Warriors Posted on 30 August 2012. Tags: al sharpton, intellectual dishonesty, knee jerk, leninist, mau mau, minions, modern day slave, savagery, simpletons, slave hunters, The Daily Koz, the daily rant, useful idiots, victimology, words of praise, yahoo news Ya’ know, liberal extremists and their Mau-Mau warriors would be hysterical if they weren’t such insufferably predictable simpletons. As I wrote in a recent syndicated piece “Leftists Are Intellectually Dishonest,” which posted on this site 28 August 2012: The greatest threat to their goal of global conquest is persons of color whose minds are and/or [...] Read the full story